Instruction 24-9351
4.7 Combustion Test Screen
This screen shows:
O2 ...............Oxygen content in flue gas (%)
C2 ............... Carbon Dioxide content
present in flue gas (%)
TL ...............Primary/Ambient air temp. (°F)
qA ............... Stack Loss
CO* .............Carbon Monoxide content in flue gas (ppm)
CU*............. Carbon Monoxide content referenced to 0% Oxygen (ppm)
TA ............... Stack (Flue gas) temperature (°F)
LA ............... LAMBDA
NX* .............Nitric Oxide content in flue gas (ppm)
NU* ............Nitric Oxide content referenced to 0% Oxygen (ppm)
HLD/RUN ..PCA on hold / PCA running test
NG ..............Fuel code for natural gas (see Section 4.8 for other codes)
P ..................Print Data
S ..................Save Data
* For PCA models 30, 35, 60 and 65, you have the option of displaying either
CO & NX, or CU & NU. Refer to Section 4.16 for setup instructions.
NOTE: Refer to Section 7.3 if stars (****) , dashes (----) , or
Xs (XXXX) appear in the display.
Front Panel Key Functions:
– Move cursor (z) up
– Move cursor (z) down
– Save or Print screen data
– Run test / Stop test
– Go to Fuel Selection Screen
PCA models 10–25, 40–55 PCA models 30, 35, 60, & 65
O2 4.0 CO 12 HLD O2 4.0 CO 12 HLD
C2 9.5 CU 15 NG C2 9.5 NX 10 NG
TL 20.0 TA 190 P TL 20.0 TA 190 P
qA 8.1 LA 1.24
«S qA 8.1 LA 1.24 «S
O2 4.0 CU 15 HLD
C2 9.5 NU 12 NG
TL 20.0 TA 190 P
qA 8.1 LA 1.24 «S
- OR -