EventStore transaction control methods
Method Description
boolean isTransactional() Is the event store transactional? If so, this
method should return true.
void commitWork() This method should commit the pending
transaction. It is required only if transactions
are supported.
void rollbackWork() This method should rollback any
uncommitted work. It is required only if
transactions are supported.
Possible event store implementations
An event store is usually implemented in a database, however, any structured
persistence mechanism could be used
Implementing the event store with a database:
If an EIS application incorporates a database, you can use the database to store
event information.
Where to store events
To locate the event store in the EIS application database, you must create a new,
separate WebSphere event table there. The table then functions as the event store
for event records. Each column of the table would reflect one of the fields
mentioned in Table 1; each row would reflect a unique event.
Implementing event detection
If the application has no built-in method for detecting events and the database that
the application is running on provides database triggers, you could implement
row-level triggers to detect changes to application tables. When changes occur in
one of these tables, the triggers would write new event records to the event table.
Note: If possible, avoid full table scans of existing application tables as a way of
determining whether application tables have changed.
Retrieving events
The EventStore implementation would need to employ the available database APIs
to gain access to the contents of the event table.
Event store implementation
88 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide