Review the section on command pattern classes in Generating an IBM WebSphere
Resource Adapter.
The command pattern classes allow you to break down a hierarchical update into a
series of nodes and then generate a collection of sub-commands to manage the
nodes. An interpreter processes the sub-commands, retrieving and executing the
corresponding code.
1. Click Generate Outbound Adapter Classes and then click Command Pattern
component property on the right pane.
2. Click Finish.
Generating inbound adapter classes
Generate inbound adapter classes for notifying a business process of an inbound
event from the EIS.
Review the section on inbound adapter classes and associated properties in
Generating an IBM WebSphere Resource Adapter.
When you choose to generate inbound adapter classes, the wizard creates code for
the methods that must be implemented to produce a resource adapter that can
send events from an EIS to a business process.
1. From the Available components portion of the Generation Options window,
click the Generate Inbound Adapter classes check box.
WebSphere Adapter development overview 43