6. On left side select EJBSessionBean1 and click Customer
createCustomer(Customer) Enter input customer parameters
Troubleshooting the samples
You may need to troubleshoot issues that arise when creating or running the
The following errors may result when working with the sample code:
v A com.ibm.adapter.framework.BaseException error
This error can result when using the sample source code to run external service
discovery or because the Twine Ball database is locked by a prior run of the
external service discovery process. The error message displays as follows:
To fix this error perform the following steps:
1. Go to the WebSphere Integration Developer installation directory and delete
the twine folder.
2. Restart WebSphere Integration Developer and try to run the external service
discovery process again.
Known issues
The following issues regarding working with the Kite String and Twine Ball
samples are known issues to development:
v If you create the module using the sample code instead of the deployable RAR
file, you cannot publish to the module successfully to WebSphere Process Server.
When you run the samples you should do so using the deployable sample RAR
file instead of the source code.
v The Kite String sample works in WebSphere Application Server with custom
clients, but it does not work with the Rational Application Developer J2C
Using the New Connector Project wizard
You use the wizard create a Connector Project which contains a deployment
descriptor and classes. The classes either extend the WebSphere Adapter
Foundation Classes or implement the JCA 1.5 Interface specification.
28 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide