boolean isContainment()
Returns whether or not the property contains a Type
(complex object).
boolean isMany()
Returns whether or not the property contains a List or Array.
int getMaxLength()
Returns the max length of the property.
Map getAnnotations(String source)
Returns the annotations for this property.
boolean isKey(String source)
Returns true if this property is a key, and false if not.
Type getType()
If the property is containment, this method will return
the contained type.
Enterprise metadata implementation
Selection of artifact types
WebSphere adapters can run against multiple brokers (server runtimes).
Each broker might require different types of artifacts. The adapter foundation
classes can generate artifacts in support of multiple brokers.
The following artifact types are supported by adapter foundation classes:
1. Data Bindings
Data Binding classes generated by enterprise metadata discovery to support
WebSphere Process Server runtime.
2. Generated Records
JavaBean records generated from SDO to support clients that work with
3. Generic Records
Other DESPI implementations.
The table below provides a matrix for artifact type and their supported server
Table 3. Artifact types and supported runtimes
Artifact types WebSphere Process
Application Server
DataBindings X
GeneratedRecords X
GenericRecords X
While running the external service discovery wizard, adapter users can choose
which artifact to generate depending on their runtime environment. Users can
select more than one artifact.
122 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide