Add Config property dialog
When you add, modify, or delete user-defined properties in this section, the editor
creates (or removes) the corresponding Java bean properties in your code. For
more information, see Modifying properties.
The Admin Objects section allows you to specify administered objects for this
resource adapter and configure their properties. You can add, update, or delete
administered objects and specify properties for each object. The information you
specify here will be stored at the resource adapter level of the deployment
The Security Permissions section allows you to specify application server
permissions. These are the permissions required by the resource adapter to execute
within the application server. You can add, update, or delete security permissions.
The information you specify here will be stored at the resource adapter level of the
deployment descriptor.
Using the Outbound Adapter pane
The Outbound Adapter pane displays information that is stored in the
<outboundresourceadapter> element of the ra.xml.
You can navigate to this pane by clicking OutboundResourceAdapter in the
Components section of the Overview pane or by clicking the Outbound Adapter
tab at the bottom of the pane.
WebSphere Adapter development overview 61