Operating system Versions
Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Professional (SP4)
Windows 2000 Server (SP4)
Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP 4)
Windows XP Windows XP SP 2
Windows 2003 Windows Server 2003 Standard
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
Hardware requirements
The table shows the hardware requirements for supported operating systems.
Operating system Hardware requirements
Windows 2003
Windows XP
v Intel
III 800 MHZ processor or faster
v 1024 x 768 display or higher resolution monitor
v Memory: requirements
– 768 MB minimum
– 1 GB recommended
v Disk space requirements:
– 3.5 GB minimum to installing software prerequisites
– Additional disk space for your development
You can reduce the minimum disk space if optional
features and runtimes are not installed.
Software requirements
The components that comprise the WebSphere Adapter toolkit are Eclipse plug-ins.
You must install WebSphere Integration Developer software before attempting to
install IBM WebSphere Adapter Toolkit software plug-ins.
Samples overview
When you installed the IBM WebSphere Adapter Toolkit, two sample resource
adapters were placed on your system. The samples installed with WebSphere
Adapter Toolkit are a reference for the creation of custom JCA resource adapters.
There are two samples as follows:
v The TwineBall sample is an implementation of a custom WebSphere Adapter
based on the Adapter Foundation Classes. This sample is located in the
adapter/twineball directory of the install location you selected.
The sample adapter connects to a sample enterprise information system (EIS),
which is also called TwineBall. This EIS is included in the RAR package,
twineball.jar. The TwineBall EIS uses the Derby database to store table data in a
file on the file system TWINE.
v The KiteString sample is similar to TwineBall, but is based directly on the JCA
1.5 resource adapter interface specification. The KiteString sample is located in
the adapter/kitestring directory of the install location you selected.
12 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide