
* Does the EIS support XA transaction?
* Get the XAResource from your EIS and return the wrapper.
* @return new instance of WBIXAResourceWrapper
* @see javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection#getXAResource()
public XAResource getXAResource() throws ResourceException {
return new WBIXAResourceWrapper(null, this);
Further implementation of these methods are needed to support XA transactions.
For information on how to generate XA Transaction support methods, see
Generating XA Transaction support methods.
v Command pattern
Generating command pattern classes allows you to break down a hierarchical
update into a series of nodes and then generate a collection of sub-commands to
manage the nodes. An interpreter processes the sub-commands, retrieving and
executing the corresponding code. If you choose this option, the wizard
generates code for the following classes:
BaseCommand extends
CommandFactory implements
CreateCommand extends <your package
name>.outbound.commandpattern.<your class prefix>BaseCommand
DeleteCommand extends <your package
name>.outbound.commandpattern.<your class prefix>BaseCommand
NoOperationCommand extends <your package
name>.outbound.commandpattern.<your class prefix>BaseCommand
RetrieveCommand extends <your package
name>.outbound.commandpattern.<your class prefix>BaseCommand
RetrieveAllCommand extends <your package
name>.outbound.commandpattern.<your class prefix>BaseCommand
UpdateCommand extends <your package
name>.outbound.commandpattern.<your class prefix>BaseCommand
For information on how to generate command pattern classes, see Generating
command pattern classes.
Inbound adapter classes and associated methods
Generating inbound adapter classes creates code for the methods that must be
implemented to produce a resource adapter that can send events from an EIS to a
business process. The list of Adapter Foundation Classes that are extended in your
Connector Project when you choose to generate inbound adapter classes is as
v ActivationSpecWithXid extends com.ibm.j2ca.base.WBIActivationSpecWithXid
v EventStoreWithXid extends
You can select the following properties when generating outbound adapter classes:
v Connection pooling
WebSphere Adapter development overview 37