Message types
There are two message types for adapters, ADAPTER_RBUNDLE. The BASE_RBUNDLE is
reserved for the Adapter Foundation Classes. The message types are used to
distinguish between the adapter and the base classes message file. The default
value of Message Type field is ADAPTER_RBUNDLE. You use only the ADAPTER_RBUNDLE
message type because you should only access adapter message file.
Log levels
Log Levels and indicators
Level Indicator Significance
Fatal F Task cannot continue.
Component cannot function
Severe E Task cannot continue.
Component can still function.
This can also indicate an
impending fatal error,
including situations that
strongly suggest that
resources are on the verge of
being depleted.
Warning W Potential error or impending
error. This includes
conditions that indicate a
progressive failure - for
example, the potential
leaking of resources.
Audit A Significant event affecting
server state or resources
Info I General information
outlining overall task
Writing a log message
Use the log method of the LogUtils class to generate log messages. This method
accepts parameters similar to that of the trace file. Instead of providing a
hard-coded message, however, provide a key to the message from the log message
file. This log method can also take optional parameters if there are values to be
substituted in the message.
void log
(Level l, int bundleType, String classname, String method, String msgKey)
void log
(Level l, int bundleType , String classname, String method, String msgKey,
Object[] params)
For example, if you have defined parameters in your log message such as
Successfully processed business object {1} with id {2}, you would provide
values for those parameters using the argument params[].
Note: Since parameters are not translated, avoid passing hard-coded phrases as
parameters because the resulting message will be a combination of English and
WebSphere Adapter development overview 179