Convert business object names from EIS-assigned formats to a camel case format
(remove separators such as spaces or underscores and capitalize first letter of each
word). For example, convert the EIS name, ORDER_LINE_ITEM, to OrderLineItem.
As described in the WebSphere business object specification, name the parent
business object graph for the contained business object followed by BG. For
example, CustomerBG is the parent object graph for a Customer business object.
Business objects names as well as property names should have no semantic value
to the adapter. When you develop your adapter logic, be sure that it is based on
metadata as opposed to naming conventions.
Standard operations:
As described by the JCA specification, a resource adapter is generally intended to
expose low-level, EIS-specific operations. These EIS-specific operations range from
create, retrieve, update, and delete (for database-type applications) to those that are
unique to customer EIS instances (for function-based adapters such as SAP).
The WebSphere business object model and a variety of WebSphere components
(such as the relationship management service) assume that most adapters support
a set of standard create, retrieve, update, and delete operations. This leaves a gap
for most adapters where the supported low-level operations do not natively meet
the expectations of other WebSphere components. To fill this gap, all adapters
should support higher-level create, retrieve, update, and delete operations,
depending on what is provided by the EIS. With such support, a Create operation
for one adapter follows the same naming conventions and behavior as a Create
operation for another adapter. The result is better tooling and consistency in terms
of user experience.
The following are the supported, standard top-level operations:
Supported standard top-level operations
Inbound Operation Signatures Notes
These operations should generate
after-image business objects with verbs that
match the operation signature; for example,
emitCreateAfterImageCustomer should
generate a Customer object with verb Create.
emitDelta<BOType> This operation should generate a delta
business object with a summary depicting
the changes that occurred in the EIS.
72 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide