2. When you are finished choosing generation options, click Finish.
Generate JCA enterprise metadata discovery classes.
Generating JCA enterprise metadata discovery classes
The enterprise metadata discovery classes are used by the external service
discovery tool in WebSphere Integration Developer to introspect an EIS to create
business objects and other artifacts.
Review the section on JCA enterprise metadata discovery classes in Generating a
JCA resource adapter
When you choose to generate enterprise metadata discovery classes, the wizard
generates code for the methods needed to produce a service that you can use to
glean business object structure and other data from an EIS. The wizard also
generates a discovery-service.xml file.
Note: When you generate JCA enterprise metadata discovery classes, the wizard
adds a prefix to each. The prefix is the Class Name Prefix that you entered when
specifying properties on the Resource adapter properties page of the wizard.
1. Click the Generate Enterprise Metadata Discovery classes check box.
54 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide