* The client of an event point needs to know the payload of the fired events.
public interface EventPoint
*return the name of the event point
String getName();
* Checks if an event needs to be fired for this event point. This method minimizes the
* overhead of inactive monitoring
* points. returns: true if this event point fires monitoring events.
boolean isEnabled();
* Fires a monitoring event.
* @param name the name of the payload data element.
* @param value the value of the payload data element
void fire(String name, Object value);
* Fires a monitoring event,
* it is a convenient method for payloads with two data elements.
void fire(String firstName, String secondName, Object firstValue, Object secondValue);
* Fires a monitoring event
* It is a convenient method for payloads with list of data elements.
void fire(String[] names, Object[] values);
Unique Id
The Unique Id interface can be used to uniquely identify event points:
* Every monitorable component needs to defines the event points.
* Each event point defines
* an event and the data/payload associated with that event. The EventPoint is
* used to fire monitoring events.
* The client of an event point needs to know the payload of the events.h
public interface AdapterContext
public String getUniqueId();
Example of the schema definition files
1. Monitorable element schema (.mes file):
Monitorable element schema can be used to define element types that can be
logged into the CEI database (Polling, InboundEventDelivery, Outbound etc)
and it can also define natures that are available for each element type (entry,
exit, failed, polling etc).
WebSphere Adapter development overview 183