Note: To limit confusion, custom operation names should not conflict with the
standard operation names mentioned above.
Note: In cases where the mapping of EIS operations to Create, Retrieve, Update
and Delete is equivalent except for naming conventions–for example, PeopleSoft
has a Find operation that is functionally equivalent to a Retrieve–the EIS-specific
operation should not be exposed since it adds no value.
Note: Function-based adapters occasionally may be required to perform multiple
individual EIS operations to achieve the equivalent of a single Create, Retrieve,
Update, or Delete operation. IBM WebSphere recommends that these low-level EIS
operations also be exposed so that users are free to compose equivalent operations.
Business object structures for enterprise metadata discovery
In the Adapter Foundation Classes, BusinessObject and its
BusinessObjectAttribute and Metadata structures facilitate the generation of XML
schema definitions.
The Adapter Foundation Classes allow discovery service implementations to use
Java APIs to prepare the BusinessObject structure. This BusinessObject structure
can then be serialized to create an XML schema document string. This will reduce
the effort for individual discovery service implementations, as they do not use
XML parsers or general string concatenation functions to prepare the XML schema
BusinessObject contains properties and methods that help the discovery service
generate object definitions.
The discovery service must provide the following for BusinessObject:
v Name – For example, PURCHASEORDER
v BusinessObjectAttributes
v Namespaces – These name spaces are added to the XSD definition.
v TargetNameSpace – For example,
v ImportedNameSpaces – These name spaces would be added as <import.. in XSD.
v IncludeNameSpaces – These name spaces would be added as <include.. in XSD.
v TopLevel – Boolean if business object is TopLevel and needs a business graph
v Metadata – Metadata object representing the business object level
application-specific information.
BusinessObject provides two methods:
v Serialize – To obtain the XSD string for the object.
v getGraphDefinition – To obtain the business graph definition for a top-level
business object.
BusinessObjectAttribute provides information that further defines the business
object for the discovery service.
The discovery service must provide the following for BusinessObjectAttribute:
WebSphere Adapter development overview 135