Validating code with Rational Application Developer and
WebSphere Application Server
To test the adapter in the Websphere Application Server environment, use the
javabean generation capability of EMD to generate records and a java proxy
interface to the adapter. Then generate a session bean that will call this interface,
and use the Websphere universal test client (UTC) to send data to the adapter.
1. Run EMD In Rational Application Developer, EMD can be accessed via New →
Other → J2C JavaBean
The output of EMD will be JavaBeans for your schema definition, as well as a
“J2C JavaBean” that proxies the adapter.
Once the J2C Beans are generated you need to generate EJBs to Test them.
2. Select the J2C JavaBean that you just created.
3. In the EJB Creation window, select a stateless as the Session type and container
as the transaction type and click Next
WebSphere Adapter development overview 203