Trane BAS-APG001-EN Smoke Alarm User Manual

Chapter 8 Network variable bindings
124 BAS-APG001-EN
In Table 31, the term multi-vibrator is used to indicate a network
variable whose state is changed regularly. The receiver expects this value
to change state within a certain interval. If it does not, a communication
fault is generated. The term comm. status is used to indicate a network
variable whose state is dependent on that particular MP581’s EX2 and
BMTX communication status. If either are down, a communication fault
is generated.
Table 31. Watchdog communication alarm custom bindings
Function Originator
Communication check from hub
MP580-2 nvoSwitch36 Mechanical system/nviSwitch38
nvoSwitch36 MP580-3/nviSwitch38
nvoSwitch36 MP580-4/nviSwitch38
Communication check to hub
Mechanical system nvoSwitch38 MP580-2/nviSwitch34
Communication check to hub:
FSCP unit multi-vibrator
MP580-3 nvoSwitch38 MP580-2/nviSwitch35
MP580-4 nvoSwitch38 MP580-2/nviSwitch36
BMTX/EX2 communication
Mechanical system nvoSwitch39 MP580-2/nviSwitch37
BMTX/EX2 communication
check to FSCP unit comm. status
MP580-3 nvoSwitch39 MP580-2/nviSwitch38
MP580-4 nvoSwitch39 MP580-2/nviSwitch39