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11.4.3 Abnormal codes returned during communication using MC protocol
This section explains the abnormal codes (error codes) that are added to responses
when communicating using MC protocol (An abnormal code is added only when an
end code is "5B".)
For more details on the end codes (error codes) that are added to responses, see
Subsection 11.4.2.
For more details on the end codes (error codes) that are stored in the buffer memory
of the Ethernet module, see Subsection 11.4.4.
Error code
Error Description of error Corrective action
H PC number error The PC number designated was not "FF". (1)Set the PC number to "FF"..
H Mode error
Poor communication between the Ethernet module and the PLC
(1)After the Ethernet module receives a request successfully from an
external device, the Ethernet module and the PLC could not
communicate for some reason (noise, etc.).
(1)Communicate again. If an error occurs again,
check noise, etc. and replace the Ethernet
module, then communicate again.
H Remote error
Remote RUN/STOP not accessible.
The PLC base module status is CPU ERR or PROG ERR.
(1)Check whether or not the base module has a
CPU ERR (light on) or PROG ERR (flashing
Abnormal code
Response format
End code
When an abnormal code is stored, the end code is "5B