Defining classes
Detaching an inner class from a class
Once you have attached an inner class to a class, to remove its declaration
from the class you must use detach it.
v To detach an inner class from a class:
1 Double-click a class in the model.
The class property sheet opens to the General page.
Opening property sheets at last accessed page
Property sheets open to the General page by default. However, you
can choose to open property sheets at the last page accessed by
selecting Tools➤Options➤Dialog, and selecting the option Keep
Last Tab in the Property Sheets groupbox.
2 Click the Inner Classes tab.
The Inner Classes page appears.
3 Select an inner class from the list of inner classes.
4 Click the Detach inner class tool.
The inner class definition is detached from the current class definition
and is removed from the list of inner classes of the current class.
5 Click OK.