Defining generalizations
Analyzing generalization properties
The following generalization properties each have several default values
from which you can select from:
♦ Visibility
♦ Stereotype
Property Visible
Private Only to the generalization itself
Protected Only to the generalization and its inherited objects
Package To all objects contained within the same package
Public To all objects
Stereotype Description
implementation Specifies that the child object inherits the implementation of
the parent object but that it does not make public its interfaces,
nor support them, thus violating its substitutability
Creating a generalization
You can create a generalization only from a class to a class, or from an
interface to an interface.
v To create a generalization:
1 Click the Generalization tool in the palette toolbar.
2 Drag the generalization from the child class to the parent class, or from
the child interface to the parent interface.