Chapter 2 Building an Object-Oriented Model
The link appears between the two objects.
Dragging a generalization to a different class
You can change the class or interface at either end of a generalization
by clicking the generalization to select it, pressing down CTRL, and
dragging one of the attach points to a different class or interface.
3 Click the Pointer tool in the palette toolbar.
Click the right mouse button.
You release the Generalization tool.
4 Double-click the new generalization in the model.
The generalization property sheet opens to the General page.
Opening property sheets at last accessed page
Property sheets open to the General page by default. However, you
can choose to open property sheets at the last page accessed by
selecting Tools➤Options➤Dialog, and selecting the option Keep
Last Tab in the Property Sheets groupbox.
5 Type a generalization name and a generalization code.
6 Click OK.