CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
Go to the next repeat of the letter to find the next stud.
For example, if your first stud is at “T,” so will the succeeding
studs in 16" o.c. applications (every 10th slot). When installing
CedarBoards XL 16'8" panels, the succeeding studs are at
every 8th slot.
When you apply the next panel, adjust the overlap, as necessary
to line up with studs and repeat the steps above.
NOTE: CedarBoards panels must overlap 1" to 1-1/2".
Consequently, the overlapping panels may not use the
same letter as your initial panel.
Fitting into trim pieces
Around windows, doors, and other openings, use 1-1/4" Cedar-
Boards accessories. When the outside temperature is higher than
40° F, allow a 1/4" gap between the siding and the trim. When the
temperature is less than 40°F, leave a 3/8" gap. For CedarBoards
XL, allow a 3/8" gap between the siding and the trim when the
outside temperature is above 40°F; 1/2" when the temperature is
below 40°F.
Around windows and doors
Because insulated siding is thicker than hollow vinyl siding,
windows, doors, and other openings may have to be built out to
avoid looking recessed. Use wood shims and either aluminum trim
coil or vinyl lineals to build out openings. In some cases, the foam
backing in CedarBoards siding will create enough stiffness to span
over or under a window without additional support.
If you are using utility trim or dual undersill trim to secure the panel,
shim the trim to accommodate the thickness of the siding panel.
Remove the top 1" of the foam backing so the top of the panel fits
into shimmed trim. Use a snap lock punch to raise tabs every 6"
to lock the panels into the trim.
When you cut a siding panel to fit around an opening, use a nail
slot punch to create additional nail slots. Fasten through these
additional nail slots to secure the panel. Make sure the face of the
J-channel or other trim will cover the nail slots.
Under soffit
Secure the last course of siding under the soffit with utility trim,
dual undersill trim, or cornice receiver with finish board.
You will have to create tabs or nail slots as described above.
We recommend the cornice receiver with finish board, as it
provides an attractive look and eliminates the need for shims.
trim foam
1-1/4" J-channel
nail slots