CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
Locate the mark at the center of the panel. Use the nailing slot
closest to this mark. Center pin the panel in this location using
one of the following options:
1. Install a nail on both ends of the same nail slot.
2. Drill a 3/16" diameter hole through the nail hem and substrate,
and place a single fastener through this newly
drilled hole.
Position nails in the center of the remaining slots, 16" apart. Leave
adequate room between the fastener head and the nail flange for
expansion and contraction (approximately 1/16" to 1/8").
Do not hard nail these fasteners.
Install the next panel to the left of the installed panel. Lap this panel
over the installed panel, positioning the right edge of the panel to
the appropriate temperature mark, which is located in the factory
notch area.
If the ambient temperature is less than 45°F, lap the panel to the
first (30°) mark.
If the ambient temperature is between 45°F to 80°F, lap the panel
to the second (65°) mark.
If the ambient temperature is greater than 80°F, lap the panel to
the third (100°) mark.
Fasten the panel according to the procedure described earlier.
Continue the first course of siding, remembering to center pin
every panel.
Start the next course of siding from the right side, repeating the
earlier steps. Offset the laps from course to course a minimum
of 2 feet.
temperature marks
30° 65° 100°
2' min.