Code Alarm name Action Pumpdown Reset type Probable cause
101 DGT fault, compressor A1 Circuit A shut down No Manual Hot gas thermostat contact open
102 Starter Guard fault compressor A1 Circuit A shut down No Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
201 DGT fault, compressor A2 Compressor A2 shut down Ditto Hot gas thermostat contact open
202 Starter Guard fault compressor A 2 Compressor A2 shut down Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
301 DGT fault, compressor A3 Compressor A3 shut down Ditto Hot gas thermostat contact open
302 Starter Guard fault compressor A 3 Compressor A3 shut down Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
401 DGT fault, compressor A4 Compressor A4 shut down Ditto Hot gas thermostat contact open
402 Starter Guard fault compressor A 4 Compressor A4 shut down Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
501 DGT fault, compressor B1 Circuit B shut down No Ditto Hot gas thermostat contact open
502 Starter Guard fault compressor B1 Circuit B shut down No Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
601 DGT fault, compressor B2 Compressor B2 shut down Ditto Hot gas thermostat contact open
602 Starter Guard fault compressor B 2 Compressor B2 shut down Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
701 DGT fault, compressor B3 Compressor B3 shut down Ditto Hot gas thermostat contact open
702 Starter Guard fault compressor B3 Compressor B3 shut down Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
801 DGT fault, compressor B4 Compressor B4 shut down Ditto Hot gas thermostat contact open
802 Starter Guard fault compressor B4 Compressor B4 shut down Ditto Crankcase heater fault and open motor current
fault detection board contact
6.4.1 - Compressor faults - General
Each compressor is protected against multiple faults by two
digital inputs located on the control board. If one of these
inputs opens, it causes an immediate shutdown on the
compressor without any action from the basic board. - Compressor protection devices
On PRO-DIALOG Plus units, compressors are individually
protected by the following devices connected to the digital
inputs on the compressor control board:
DGT (only for units with low-temperature option):
The discharge gas thermostat detects and protects the
compressor against abnormally high discharge temperatures.
Starter Guard:
This board patented by Carrier (also called AM board)
monitors both the compressor regime and the status of its
crankcase heaters which ensure correct lubrication when the
compressor starts.