Report Field Description
Batch Comment The Batch Comment field displays
any notes that have been added to
the current batch.
Batch Summary Fields A group of fields that summarize how
many transactions were attempted
and the results of those transactions
including the batch dollar totals.
Type The field displays document type for
the current invoice.
1 = Sale
2 = Return
Document Number The document number field displays
the document number associated
with the current document.
Doc Date The doc date or document date field
displays the date the document was
Customer ID The customer ID field displays the
customer ID associated with the
current document.
Name The name field displays the
customer’s name from the current
Process Hold The process hold field indicates
whether or not the current invoice
document is on hold.
Proc Date The Proc or Processing Date field
displays the date the credit card
transaction was processed.
Type (Card) The second type field is the credit
card type field. The two-character
type codes displayed are used by
the AssureBuy payment gateway.
For a complete list of all AssureBuy
credit card type codes, please see
Credit Card Types” on page 25.
Amount The amount field displays the total
dollar amount of the transaction
Action The action field displays the type of
credit card transaction used for
processing the transaction. For a
complete list, please see
Transaction Types” on page 26.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 96