the user will be returned to the Transaction Entry window. If the document
already has transactions attached, the AssureBuy Payment Processing
window will launch and will display any attached credit card transactions that
already exist for the current document. These transactions can be reviewed
by using the arrows in the lower left hand corner of the window.
Delete Button
When using the AssureBuy Payment Processing application, an automatic
verification is performed to make sure that documents are not deleted with
approved credit card transactions attached. Depending on the type of credit
card transactions found, the AssureBuy Payment Processing application may
prevent the document from being deleted until a credit card transaction has
been removed or reversed.
If any approved sales transactions are found that do not have a
corresponding refund transaction, the application will display the following
warning message: “Cannot delete document with AssureBuy payments on
file. Review payments now?” By selecting No on the warning message
window, the application will cancel the delete process. By selecting Yes, the
AssureBuy Payment Processing window will launch with all the transactions
attached to the current document available for review. To complete the
delete process, issue a refund for any sale transaction that has not already
been refunded.
Cash Receipts Entry
Normally, cash receipts for credit card payments are entered directly on the
Transaction Entry window by selecting the credit card radio button. When
the AssureBuy Payment Processing application is installed, this functionality
is replaced by the AssureBuy Payment Processing window.
Accessing The AssureBuy Payment Processing Window
The Cash Receipts Entry window allows check, cash and credit card
transactions. When using the AssureBuy application, and the method of
payment is credit card, the user will select the credit card radio button. When
this option is selected, the AssureBuy Payment Processing window will
automatically launch and the default customer and transaction information
will be loaded into the appropriate fields. Credit card transactions will only be
sent to the AssureBuy payment gateway if they have been entered from the
AssureBuy Payment Processing window.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 83