Encryption is the process of converting readable data into unreadable data.
Only the computer that has the key to the encryption can convert the
unreadable data back to readable data.
expiration date
The expiration date is the date the credit card or debit card becomes invalid.
floor limit
The floor limit is set by the acquiring bank on the seller’s merchant account.
The floor limit is the dollar volume the seller is allowed to process on their
merchant account per month. The seller must ask the acquiring bank for
authorization if the seller is going to exceed the floor limit. If the seller fails
seek authorization from the acquirer, then the funds exceeding the limit could
be held in reserve by the acquirer.
A force transaction, or voice authorization, is sometimes required by issuing
banks. The original transaction has usually been declined with a call or
referral code from the processor. The seller then needs the authorization
center at their merchant account provider to manually obtain an authorization
code. The manual authorization code will then need to be added to the day’s
batch for settlement.
frame relay
An emerging network access protocol designed to accommodate data
applications that require high transmission speeds, low network delay, high
connectivity, and efficient bandwidth use.
Hold is a type of credit card transaction result that refers to a transaction that
could not be processed because of an error in the credit card network or a
fraud system warning from the AssureBuy payment gateway. A credit card
transaction with the status of hold did not reach the credit card issuing bank
for approval.
home page
A home page for a Web site is the entry page or introduction page of any
Web site.
In Internet terms, a web site being hosted refers to the computer where the
web site files are stored. This computer not only stores the web site files, but
it will also transmit the website files to the user's browser. In the case of
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Glossary of Terms • 120