along with a seller identified tax jurisdiction and adds that amount into the
total amount for the current transaction.
For simple mail order type businesses, the AssureBuy payment gateway
allows sellers to establish tax rates which apply only to the shipping location
of the order. For all applicable seller jurisdictions, a simple tax rate is
entered into a tax calculation database. Tax is applied to all taxable items for
each order shipped to one of these jurisdictions. For all levels of tax service,
the seller may identify which individual items on each order are taxable.
Finally, through a partnership with TAXWARE International, AssureBuy is
able to offer its sellers a comprehensive worldwide tax calculation system
that is updated on a regular basis with the latest jurisdiction and rate
information. When using this level of tax calculation service, the system
determines the appropriate jurisdiction and rate by examining the type of
product being sold, the location of the buyer and seller, and the location from
which the product is shipped. Tax liability reports are available that identify
the taxes collected in each jurisdiction.
Risk Management
Available in the AssureBuy payment gateway is a proprietary risk
management service. The risk management service is the result of many
years of Internet related transaction and payment processing experience and
is designed specifically to assist a seller in identifying potentially fraudulent
buyer transactions.
The service is easily configured for the source and level of risk associated
with a particular type of business and makes considerations for the type of
product being sold, the location of the seller, the amount of a typical
transaction and the delivery method. The service combines inherent
knowledge of overall potential risk and learned knowledge from the
experience of the individual seller. The databases used for scanning each
transaction are updated as new fraud methods and perpetrators are
Risk management is an extremely important function in any business, but is
exponentially more difficult to monitor given the nature of the Internet. By
using the AssureBuy risk management service, sellers are protected from
potential fraud occurring across the entire AssureBuy seller base. And, more
importantly, sellers can maintain control of a potentially serious and costly
problem inherent in the on-line business world.
Payment Processing
The primary feature of the AssureBuy payment gateway is its ability to
process payment transactions. The payment processing service includes the
ability to accept credit card transactions, electronic checks and ACH
transactions, purchase orders, invoices, gift certificates, coupons and
Credit card authorizations are preformed in real-time through multiple
redundant connections to major processing networks. The system currently
has the capability of processing all major credit card types, including
American Express, Carte Blanche, Diner’s Club, MasterCard,
Novus/Discover, Eurocard, JCB Card and Visa. The system processes most
major debit and purchasing cards as well. Support for PIN numbers and the
new CVV2 and CVC2 card verification values are also available.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 10