Figure 16: AssureBuy Credit Card Setup
Field Name Description
Card Name The Card Name field is for credit card name as it is
described in the Great Plains database. The value
entered here should match one of the card types
already established using the Great Plains Credit
Card Setup window. The lookup icon may be used
to select an existing credit card type from Great
Plains. If the value entered here is not on file, the
user will be prompted to add the record to the Great
Plains Credit Card Master file also.
User ID
Each Credit Card may only be used for a specific
User ID when sending it for processing. This drop
down list will identify all User ID’s that have been
set up on the AssureBuy Setup Screen.
Card Type
The AssureBuy Card Type field is a dropdown box
that has all the available card types listed. The
AssureBuy Card Type and the Card Name should
refer to the same type of credit card. For example,
if the card name is Visa then the selection for the
AssureBuy card type should also be Visa.
Note that selecting a credit card type from the
dropdown list does not automatically ensure that it
will be processed by the AssureBuy payment
gateway. The payment gateway will only process
those credit card types that are established when
the AssureBuy account is created. Selecting a type
that has not been setup on the AssureBuy payment
gateway will result in an error when attempting to
process the transaction.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 50