Transaction Result
The transaction result field contains the result of the payment processing.
The possible transaction results are listed below.
Code Status Description Corresponding
1 Unprocessed A status of “1”, or
unprocessed indicates that
payment has not been
2 Approved A status of “2”, or approved,
indicates that the payment
has been approved.
3 Declined A status of “3”, or declined,
indicates that the payment
has been declined.
4 Void A status of “4”, or void,
indicates that the payment
has been voided.
5 Manual Decline A status of “5”, or manual
decline, indicates that the
payment has been
manually declined by a
system administrator.
6 Auto Cancel A status of “6”, or auto
cancel, indicates that the
payment has been
automatically declined by
the fraud prevention
7 Expired A status of “7”, or expired,
indicates that the payment
has been on hold for an
extended period of time and
the system has canceled
the transaction.
8 Hold/Pending A status of “8”, or
hold/pending, indicates the
transaction has been
placed on hold by the fraud
system or the gateway has
returned an error.
Authorization Errors
The process of authorizing credit cards has three possible results. The first
is an approval with a bank determined approval code. The second is a
decline. Declines are accompanied either with a DECLINE message or a
message describing the problem. Examples of possible decline messages
are listed below:
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Payment Gateway • 28