batch transaction processing will check the setting called “Fulfillment
Required Before Capturing Transactions" on the AssureBuy Processing
Setup window. If this function has been enabled, then the transaction will
only be processed if the document has been fulfilled.
A pending capture transaction will be processed only after the companion
authorization transaction has been approved and checked to verify that the
authorization has not expired. Banks only consider authorizations to be valid
for a certain number of days. If the time limit, as defined on the AssureBuy
Credit Card Setup window, has passed, then a new authorization will need to
be performed before the capture transaction can be processed.
Approved authorization transactions are handled differently in that the
system will check to see if the AssureBuy Processing Setup option called
“Automatically Capture Transaction During Batch Post.” Is enabled. If the
authorization has not been processed, the system will attempt to process the
authorization. An approved authorization will then have a companion capture
transaction created automatically. If the setup option “Automatically Capture
Transaction During Post” has been enabled, the capture transaction will be
processed according to the method described in the preceding paragraph.
At the end of the AssureBuy batch processing for the credit card
transactions, a report will be available that details the status of all credit card
transactions in the batch. Any transactions that have been declined or put on
hold during the batch processing will need to be examined and re-processed
before the document can be posted. Transaction problems can include
anything from a transaction failing to get approval from the bank to an error
accessing the credit card network.
Possible Errors Solutions
A transaction has failed to
receive an approval from the
Contact the customer to let them
know the credit card was declined.
An authorization transaction
was expired.
Create a new authorization.
An order has not been fulfilled. Fulfill the order and then try
reprocessing the transaction.
An authorization transaction
cannot be posted without a
The “Automatically Capture
Transaction During Batch Post”
option was not enabled so the
system will not try a capture
transaction automatically. The user
must manually create a capture
A transaction was sent for
processing but received an
error from the AssureBuy
payment gateway.
Review the “
AssureBuy Gateway
” on page 101 or contact
AssureBuy Support. For Contact
information, please see “
How To
Obtain Technical Support
” on page
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 75