Figure 26: Transaction Fields from AssureBuy Payment Processing
Field Description
Bypass Processing The Bypass Processing checkbox allows the
user to override the AssureBuy transaction
processing and enter the processing results
manually. This feature is only available if the
“Allow Manual Entry of Approval Information”
option is enabled on the AssureBuy Processing
Setup window. The Bypass would be used in
cases where the seller has received a voice
authorization or when the seller has entered a
transaction through the AssureBuy
Administration system and then would like to
enter the results into the Great Plains system.
Manual entry of the transaction result will
bypass sending the transaction to AssureBuy for
Result The Result field displays the result of the
transaction processing. The three most
common results will be approved, declined, and
unprocessed. For more information on different
result types, please see “
IP Address” on page
Approval Code The approval code field will display the response
received for this transaction. Depending on the
seller’s bank, an approval code will be either a
six-digit number or a combination of six letters
and numbers. The approval code is the card
processor’s method of identifying the approved
transaction and is also proof for the seller that
the credit card company has authorized the
credit card purchase.
Process Date The Process Date is returned by the AssureBuy
payment gateway and is the date and time that
the transaction was processed. The AssureBuy
systems run on Greenwich Mean Time. For
more information, please see “
Time Zone Chart”
on page 103.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 66