Field Name Description
User ID The User ID field contains the AssureBuy-
assigned 5 digit user ID for the seller. Please
contact AssureBuy Support for the UserID. The
correct User ID must be entered or the gateway
will return an error on every transaction.
Password The password field contains the user-assigned
password determined during the setup process
with AssureBuy. The password in this field must
match the password on file with AssureBuy. If the
seller wants to change the password, they must
first contact AssureBuy before changing the
password in this screen. Otherwise, the gateway
will return an invalid password on all transactions.
This field is an encrypted field so the password
will be displayed as X’s.
Currency ID This box reflects the Great Plains Currency ID
selected for this User ID. Because of the way
banking transactions are handled, it is necessary
to have a separate User ID for each type of
Gateway Currency This is a drop down list of those Currency’s that
are currently available. This must match the
Currency as set up in Great Plains.
View ‘N Pay
This is a checkbox that will only appear if you
have set up View ‘N Pay. It designates that this
Account may be used for View ‘N Pay.
Gateway Version The gateway version field must contain the
version number of the AssureBuy payment
gateway application being used. This value will
be assigned by AssureBuy during the seller setup
process. Only change the gateway version if
instructed by an AssureBuy support person
otherwise the gateway will return an error on all
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 41