Error Code Description
5602 Missing or invalid payment type.
5603 Missing or invalid payment card type.
5604 Missing or invalid payment number.
5605 Missing or invalid payment verification number.
5606 Missing or invalid payment PIN.
5607 Missing or invalid card present indicator.
5608 Missing or invalid customer present indicator.
5609 Missing or invalid payment expiration day.
5610 Missing or invalid payment expiration month.
5611 Missing or invalid payment expiration year.
5612 Missing or invalid payer name.
5613 Missing or invalid bank code.
5614 Missing or invalid retrieval number.
5615 Missing or invalid payment information.
5616 Missing or invalid original transaction.
5617 Missing or invalid approval code.
5618 Missing or invalid ACH account indicator.
5619 Missing or invalid ACH account type.
5620 Missing or invalid confirm value.
5621 Missing or invalid confirm phone.
5701 Unable to locate product information.
5702 Missing or invalid product item ID.
5703 Missing or invalid product SKU.
5704 Missing or invalid product description.
5705 Missing or invalid product order quantity.
5706 Missing or invalid product minimum order quantity.
5707 Missing or invalid product weight.
5708 Missing or invalid product tax flag.
5709 Missing or invalid product ship flag.
5710 Missing or invalid product recurring flag.
5711 Missing or invalid product download flag.
5712 Missing or invalid product download file.
5713 Missing or invalid product download description.
5751 Missing or invalid product user-defined parameter.
5801 Missing or invalid recurring order amount.
5802 Missing or invalid recurring order cycle.
5803 Missing or invalid recurring order period.
5804 Missing or invalid recurring order termination date.
9999 Unknown error.
Time Zone Chart
The earth has been divided into 24 time zones. The exact center of the time
zones is called Greenwich Mean Time or Universal Time. All other time
zones are figured by hour differences away from Greenwich Mean Time.
The chart does not take into consideration Daylight Savings Time. If your
time zone participates in the Daylight Savings Time, you will need to adjust
the time accordingly. Daylight Savings time typically lasts from April to
October and you will need to add an additional hour to the calculations.
Regions Hours to/from GMT
Eniwetok, Kwajalein Subtract 12:00 hours from GMT
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Appendix • 103