Uninstall Warning
Only attempt to uninstall this application if you are familiar with the Great
Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise operating environment. Otherwise, contact
your System Administrator for assistance.
To uninstall the application manually, perform the following steps.
1) Locate the directory under which the Dynamics/eEnterprise application is
installed. For Dynamics, this will typically be the c:\Dynamics directory.
For eEnterprise, you should look for the c:\eENTRPRS directory.
2) From within the application directory, remove the following files if they
3) Remove the following sub-directory and all of its contents from under the
application directory:
4) Using a text editor, make the following changes to the Dynamics.SET
file, located in the application directory.
Figure 11: Dynamics.set File
5) The AssureBuy Payment Processing application should now be
completely uninstalled from your system.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 38