The RE-ENTER code indicates
that the credit card transaction
could not be completed. The
seller should cancel the payment,
as the system considers this an
error and does not automatically
decline the payment.
Address Verification Service
The Address Verification Service (AVS) is provided to a seller through the
cardholder’s bank. The AVS system is owned and operated by the card
processing banks. When a credit card is sent to the card network for an
authorization, the payment gateway also transmits all the information
required for the AVS system to verify the cardholder’s address. The AVS
system works based on the numbers in a cardholder’s billing address and
postal code—only the numbers in the street address and the zip code are
verified. The card network will respond with the authorization for the card
and the AVS response at the same time. The payment gateway interprets
the AVS response and returns the response in two parts:
If the numbers of the street address
match, a “Y” (Yes) will display. If the
numbers of the street address do not
match, then an “N” (No) will display.
If the AVS system cannot verify the
address for any reason, then a “U”
(Unavailable) will display.
If the numbers of the zip code match,
a “Y” (Yes) will display. If the
numbers of the zip code do not
match, then an “N“ (No) will display.
If the AVS system cannot verify the
zip code for any reason, then a “U”
(Unavailable) will display.
Drawbacks to the AVS System
The seller should be aware of the AVS system’s limitations:
1) The AVS system works only for credit cards issued in the United
States. All international cards including Canada and Mexico will
receive a “No Response” (N) or an “AVS Unavailable” (U) code from
the AVS system.
2) The AVS response is only received once the transaction has been
forwarded to the card processor for charging. If the AVS responses
are both NO and the seller decides to refund the transaction, the
seller will still be responsible for the fees from the credit card
processor for charging the card and issuing the refund.
3) The AVS system is only checking the numbers of the address and
zip code, not the cardholder name or the exact wording of an
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Payment Gateway • 30