Chapter 8. Remediation subsystem implementation 435
4. Run the sputil.sh command to create the software package block and
publish it on the Web Gateway. To achieve this run the following commands:
cd $BINDIR/tcmremed/download
cd TCRZLSoftwareRunning
$BINDIR/tcmremed/bin/sputil.sh -p Sample.properties
5. Verify the result of running the tool with the following command:
wlookup -ar SoftwarePackage | grep TCRZLSoftwareRunning
If the package was created the result will look like below (the number in the
middle of the resulting string will be different in your environment as it is
meant to be unique and is associated with Tivoli Management Region
TCRZLSoftwareRunning^1.0 1406765930.1.843#SoftwarePackage::Spo#
The TCRMessengerDisabled workflow was defined in the
SERVICE_DISABLED_WF parameter in the Messenger Service Disabled policy
to be used when the compliance check generated a FAIL or WARNING status.
This is the second type of the two workflows called by the
nac.win.any.services.PostureService collector. It is called during the remediation
of a violation when the service that should be disabled is not.
To build the remediation package follow the steps described below:
1. Open a command prompt, import the environment variables for the Tivoli
Framework, and start bash. Then create a directory for the workflow files. To
do this issue the following commands:
cmd /k %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\Tivoli\setup_env.cmd
cd $BINDIR/tcmremed/download
mkdir TCRMessengerDisabled
cd TCRMessengerDisabled
2. Create the very simple Windows batch file named
disableMessengerService.bat, which contains only one line shown below:
sc config Messenger start= disabled
Copy this batch file to the TCRZLSoftwareDisabled directory.
3. Create the configuration file for the sputil.sh utility containing the instructions
on how to build the package. Create the Sample.properties file in the
Important: Make sure that there is no space between the word start and
the equals sign (=). Also make sure there is a space between start= and
the word disabled.