Chapter 6. Compliance subsystem implementation 177
When you are done with editing the parameters for the
nac.win.any.regkey.PostureRegKeyV2 collector click Save.
1. The second part of the firewall policy is meant to check whether the firewall
service is running. This policy is checked using the generic
nac.win.service.PostureServiceV2 collector. To open the parameter edition
dialog shown in Figure 6-45, right-click the ZoneAlarm Firewall Active
collector in the policy collector view and click Edit collector parameters from
the pop-up menu.
Figure 6-45 Parameters for Service collector
The nac.win.any.serice.ServicePostureV2 collector is able to check two
– If the service specified is running
– If the service specified is disabled
The parameters for the nac.win.any.serice.ServicePostureV2 collector are
described in Table 6-7.
Table 6-7 Parameter information for nac.win.any.services.PostureServicesV2 collector
Parameter name Parameter type Description
REQ_SERVICE Operational One or more service names that will
be checked. The values entered
must exactly match the name of the
service as it appears in the control
panel Administrative Tools Services
utility. This is a required parameter.