
168 Building a Network Access Control Solution with IBM Tivoli and Cisco Systems
6. The parameters for the collector nac.win.any.oslevel.PostureOSLevelV2 are
displayed, as shown in Figure 6-42.
Figure 6-42 Parameters for Windows Service Pack collector
As you can see, this is a generic collector for all Windows versions. Since the
policy we are editing is applied to Windows XP workstations, we only need to
edit the two relevant parameters:
The full list of parameters is described in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3 Parameter information for nac.win.any.oslevel.PostureOSLevelV2
Parameter name Parameter type Description
PASS_WINDOWS_NT Operational List of accepted service packs for
the Microsoft Windows NT operating
WARN_WINDOWS_NT Operational List of service packs that generate
warnings for the Microsoft Windows
NT operating system
PASS_WINDOWS_2000 Operational List of accepted service packs for
the Microsoft Windows 2000
operating system