Chapter 7. Network enforcement subsystem implementation 315
14.Click Add Mapping. Confirmation of the successful mapping will appear
(Figure 7-83).
Figure 7-83 VLAN mapping example
Configure default login page
To configure the default login page follow these steps:
1. Click Administration → User Pages → Login Page.
Note: In our example, the client’s port is initially set to VLAN 20. By using
VLAN mapping, the client will receive a VLAN 20 (access VLAN) IP
address from DHCP. Should the client not be compliant, the CAM will
change the port’s VLAN membership via SNMP to VLAN120 (Auth VLAN).
This will force all traffic from the client through the CAS. Once the CAS
informs the CAM that the client is
healthy, the CAM will again change the
client’s port VLAN membership back to VLAN 20 via SNMP. The client will
then access the network directly through the switch, bypassing the CAS.