Chapter 8. Remediation subsystem implementation 401
If none of these locations contain a valid page, the user interface falls back to the
method used to locate the base HTML page.
HTML pages example
Assume that a policy wants to ensure that the ZoneAlarm and Remote Desktop
services are running, and that several other services are not running. For clarity,
the author might create three instances of the
nac.win.any.services.PostureServicesV2 collector, and name one instance
ZoneAlarm Firewall, one Remote Desktop Service, and one Forbidden Services.
The policy wants to provide specific information about the ZoneAlarm and
Remote Desktop services, but does not have anything special to say about the
forbidden services.
Additionally, the policy only has some pages in Polish, and the rest are in
English. The resulting document tree might look like this:
scripts/nac.win.any.services.PostureServicesV2/en_US/Remote Desktop
For the pl_PL language/locale, pages that would be displayed for each item are
presented in Table 8-2.
Table 8-2 Pages selected for pl_PL local
For the en_US language/locale, pages that would be displayed for each item are
presented in Table 8-3.
Table 8-3 Pages selected for en_US local
Posture item Displayed page relative to
ZoneAlarm Firewall pl_PL/ZoneAlarm Firewall/default.html
Remote Desktop Service pl_PL/default.html
Forbidden Services pl_PL/default.html
Posture item Displayed page relative to
ZoneAlarm Firewall en_US/ZoneAlarm Firewall/default.html
Remote Desktop Service en_US/Remote Desktop Service/default.html