Chapter 8. Remediation subsystem implementation 427
the missing hotfixes. As this policy checks for multiple hotfixes in parallel, the
missing ones must be passed back to the remediation workflow as a parameter.
You must build the remediation package separately for each hotfix you have
specified in the policy. As an example we used hotfix KB896423. Follow the steps
described below, modifying the hotfix name according to the name you are using:
1. Open a command prompt, import the environment variables for the Tivoli
Framework, and start bash. Then create a directory for the workflow files. To
do this issue the following commands:
cmd /k %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\Tivoli\setup_env.cmd
cd $BINDIR/tcmremed/download
mkdir TCRMSPatchesInstallWinXP_KB896423
cd TCRMSPatchesInstallWinXP_KB896423
2. To build the package you must download the appropriate hotfix from the
Microsoft Web site. KB896423 can be found at the following location:
The file is named WindowsXP-KB896423-x86-ENU.exe. Copy it to the newly
created directory TCRMSPatchesInstallWinXP_KB896423.
3. Create the configuration file for the sputil.sh utility containing the instructions
on how to build the package. Copy the Sample.properties file from the
sample_TCRMSPatchesInstall_KB896423 directory to the
TCRMSPatchesInstallWinXP_KB896423 directory and edit it with the text
editor to match the content specified in Example 8-12.
Example 8-12 Sample.properties file for TCRMSPatchesInstall_KB896423 workflow