Chapter 8. Remediation subsystem implementation 429
If the package was created the result will look like below (the number in the
middle of the resulting string will be different in your environment as it is
meant to be unique and is associated with Tivoli Management Region
7. When a noncompliant client missing the KB896423 hotfix is remediated with
the Fix Now button, a remediation handler window is shown, as depicted in
Figure 8-41.
Figure 8-41 Remediation handler interface for hotfix installation
Repeat this procedure for any other hotfix that you have defined as required in
your security policy.
The TCRMSServicePackInstallWinXpSp2 workflow is very similar to the one
described above for the Windows Hotfix policy, as it installs a Microsoft Windows
update as well. It is, however, a bigger and more serious one then a hotfix. The
TCRMSServicePackInstallWinXpSp2 workflow was defined in the
SERVICE_PACK_WF parameter in the Windows Service Pack policy to be used
when the compliance check generated a FAIL or WARNING status. The purpose
of the workflow is to install the missing service pack.