Chapter 7. Network enforcement subsystem implementation 281
21.Click Submit (Figure 7-61).
Figure 7-61 Healthy Sales SPT creation
22.Repeat this process to create additional authorization rules using the
information provided in Table 7-7.
Table 7-7 Authorization rules
Note: Remember that this scenario is for NAC L2 802.1x. As mentioned
previously, NAC L2 802.1x does not yet support downloadable ACLs.
Therefore, the
Downloadable ACL field has been deliberately left blank. If
you were configuring NAC L2/L3 IP this field would be used. At the time
that this book was written, support for NAC L2 802.1x downloadable ACLs
was something to be included in future releases of Cisco IOS.
User group System posture token Shared RAC
Sales Healthy Healthy_Sales_RAC
Sales Quarantine Quarantine_Sales_RAC
Engineering Healthy