
Chapter 6. Compliance subsystem implementation 183
Next select the Compliance SQL tab on the right pane and modify the
violation message generated by the compliance check, as shown in
Figure 6-50. There is no need to change the SQL compliance query itself, as
it does not refer to any values other than the number of violations, which is
generic for all services. When done with the editing click Save.
Figure 6-50 Violation message modification
Next we modify the collector parameters for the Messenger Service Disabled
compliance query. Select the IISSCN_TCM_v2.00_winXP policy in the left
pane and then click the Collectors tab for this policy in the left pane. Click the
Generate Collector List to refresh the view. You may notice the new lines
that are shown for the Messenger Service Disabled compliance query, but
having the ZoneAlarm Firewall Active name underneath. This is because, by
default, if there are more queries using data from one type of the collector,
they are using only one instance of the collector. Since we must specify a
separate set of parameters we want to have a separate instance of the