126 Building a Network Access Control Solution with IBM Tivoli and Cisco Systems
6.1 Tivoli Security Compliance Manager setup
Tivoli Security Compliance Manager server is an important component of the
solution providing the policy management service to the client workstations. In
the section below we describe the process of installing the Tivoli Security
Compliance Manager server.
To perform the installation the following media are needed:
DB2 Universal Database 8.2
Tivoli Security Compliance Manager Server 5.1.1
6.1.1 Installation of DB2 database server
DB2 Universal Database software should be included with the Tivoli Security
Compliance Manager installation bundle, and it is a prerequisite that it be
installed first. Follow the below steps to install the DB2 database.
1. To start the installation move to the directory where you have copied the
binaries and run the setup file db2setup.exe.
Note: The Tivoli Security Compliance Manager Server 5.1.1 is the new base
installation image, which means that you do not need any previous version to
install Tivoli Security Compliance Manager. At the time we wrote this book it
was also known as Version 5.1.0 Fix Pack 30. One of the important differences
is the fact that now server and client installation files were divided into two
separate CD images.
Important: DB2 installation must be performed from the local hard drive or
from the CD. If you try to install from a Windows shared network drive the
installation will fail. Copy the installation files to the local drive instead.