Chapter 4. Armando Banking Brothers Corporation 89
Configure Security
Compliance Manager
posture policy.
Ample thought time must
always be provided for
determining proper policy
for the business. In a true
deployment, the proper
forethought, establishment
of process, and policy are
major keys to success.
6.2, “Configuration of
the compliance policies”
on page 152
Install compliance client
This includes both the IBM
client components and the
Cisco Trust Agent software.
6.3.1, “Cisco Trust
Agent” on page 190,
and 6.3.2, “IBM Tivoli
Security Compliance
Manager client” on
page 199
Part II - Networking infrastructure
NAC Framework
Configuring the
Cisco Secure ACS
for NAC L2 802.1x
Highlights all the steps to
configure the Cisco Secure
ACS server for a NAC
Framework NAC L2 802.1x
7.1.1, “Configuring the
Cisco Secure ACS for
NAC L2 802.1x” on
page 214
Configuring the
Cisco Secure ACS
for NAC L2/L3 IP
Highlights the configuration
changes that need to be
made to the ACS to deploy
NAC L2/L3 IP instead of
NAC L2 802.1x
7.1.2, “Configuring the
Cisco Secure ACS for
NAC L2/L3 IP” on
page 283
Configuring Cisco
3750 switch for
NAC L2 802.1x
Switch configuration and
verification for NAC L2
802.1x deployment
“Configuring Cisco 3750
switch for NAC L2
802.1x” on page 292
Configuring Cisco
3750 switch for
Switch and router
configuration and
verification for NAC L2 IP
“Configuring Cisco 3750
switch for NAC L2 IP” on
page 295
Configuring Cisco
IOS Router for
Switch and router
configuration and
verification for NAC L3 IP
“Configuring Cisco IOS
Router for NAC L3 IP”
on page 298
NAC Appliance
Action Notes Reference