
Chapter 6. Compliance subsystem implementation 169
The operational parameters listed above accept multiple values, so edit the
appropriate parameters by selecting the proper tabs and adding all the
versions accepted in your environment. To add additional values to the
parameter click the plus (+) sign. To remove the value click the minus (-) sign.
As opposed to the collectors described above, we
must change the name of
the workflow for collector nac.win.any.oslevel.PostureOSLevelV2. The
solution was originally developed in Japan, so the default value for the
SERVICE_PACK_WF parameter is
TCRMSServicePackInstall_WinXpSp2Jp. Change this value to
When you are done editing click Save.
7. The next policy we customize is the one that checks for appropriate hotfixes
installed on the client workstation.
WARN_WINDOWS_2000 Operational List of service packs that generate
warnings for the Microsoft Windows
2000 operating system
PASS_WINDOWS_2003 Operational List of accepted service packs for
the Microsoft Windows 2003
operating system
WARN_WINDOWS_2003 Operational List of service packs that generate
warnings for the Microsoft Windows
2003 operating system
PASS_WINDOWS_XP Operational List of accepted service packs for
the Microsoft Windows XP operating
WARN_WINDOWS_XP Operational List of service packs that generate
warnings for the Microsoft Windows
XP operating system
SERVICE_PACK_WF Workflow Name of the workflow used for
remediation if a service pack needs
to be installed
Important: The paragraph below is different than for other collectors, so
read carefully.
Parameter name Parameter type Description