Chapter 7. SNMP Adapter
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) adapter for the IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console product forwards events from SNMP traps to the event server.
This chapter explains how to configure and start the SNMP adapter.
SNMP Driver
The SNMP adapter serves the function of collecting SNMP trap messages directly
from the SNMP trap socket of a host and translating SNMP traps into appropriate
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console class instances.
The SNMP manipulation routines make use of SNMP Research SNMP libraries.
Reception of SNMP Messages
The SNMP adapter receives SNMP traps by listening directly on socket udp/162 of
the host it runs on.
Incoming Messages Format
Messages received on the udp/162 socket consist only of SNMP Trap-PDUs as
defined in RFC 1157 (SNMPv1). Other types of messages are discarded.
Server Configuration
Since the SNMP trap adapter listens on UDP socket 162 for incoming SNMP traps,
it must be run as root. Also, UDP socket 162 must not already be in use by another
SNMP manager, such as the trapd daemon for IBM NetView for AIX
or the
SNMP trap daemon itself.
Adapter Files
The SNMP adapter package consists of the following files:
The installation script.
tecad_snmp The adapter executable file.
The BAROC file.
The class definition statement (CDS) file.
The configuration file.
The error file.
The object identifier file.
The adapter startup and shutdown script.
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