
The BAROC file.
postemsg.exe The command line interface program to send an event to an event
tecad_win.err The error file.
Before starting the event server, check the configuration file to determine if it
defines the preferred adapter behavior.
Configuration File
The configuration file defines the behavior of the adapter. This file can contain the
common keywords described in Configuration Fileon page 9, as well as the
following adapter-specific keywords:
Specifies whether the hostname attribute for Windows NT Event
Log events is set to the host on which the adapter is running (the
default) or the host where the event originated.
If set to NO or no, the hostname attribute is set to the
COMPUTER field from the Windows NT Event Log.
Note: This only applies to events from the Windows NT Event
Log, not those generated from log files specified in
LogSources. Those events always have the hostname
attribute set to the host on which the adapter is running.
The COMPUTER name returned from the Windows NT Event Log
might not be the same as the ManagedNode name (which is
case-sensitive) of the host where the event originated. You must
take this into consideration if you run tasks or programs from the
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console product or the rule base, because
they might use the hostname attribute to determine where they
LanguageID Sets the language event log messages to be formatted in English or
the native language. Valid values are one of the following:
Messages are formatted in English.
The adapter attempts to format event log messages in the
default language based on the local value set in Windows.
If the adapter cannot use the default language, it uses
English. The value DEFAULT can only be used in
languages that have 8-bit wide characters.
The format file is in English. The Windows event logs are in your
native language. If your native language is not English, you must
rewrite the format file in your native language.
LogSources Specifies the ASCII log files to poll for messages. The complete
path to each file must be specified, and file names must be
separated by commas; no spaces or other separators can be used. A
log file source need not exist when the adapter is started; it will be
polled when it is created.
112 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide