
Contains the time stamp for the corresponding event identified by the
value of the DirectoryEventsProcessed variable.
Contains the highest event number in the Windows DNS Server Log that
the adapter has processed. The adapter uses this variable to keep track of
how many events it has read and sent to the event server so that the
adapter can start at the next event the next time it polls the log. You can
lower the DNSEventsProcessed variable if you want an event to be read
and processed again. To process all messages in the DNS Server Log, set
the DNSEventsProcessed variable to 1.
Contains the time stamp for the corresponding event identified by the
value of the DNSEventsProcessed variable.
Contains the highest event number in the Windows File Replication service
event log that the adapter has processed. The adapter uses this variable to
keep track of how many File Replication service log events it has read and
sent to the event server so that the adapter can start at the next event the
next time it polls the log. You can lower the
FileReplicationEventsProcessed variable if you want an event to be read
and processed again. To process all messages in the File Replication service
log, set the FileReplicationEventsProcessed variable to 1.
Contains the time stamp for the corresponding event identified by the
value of the FileReplicationEventsProcessed variable.
The adapter polls the Windows event logs for new events at intervals
when it does not receive any events automatically. The PollingInterval
variable specifies the upper frequency limit, in seconds, to poll the
Windows event logs. The default value is 120 seconds.
Polling begins at 5 seconds. If a new event is detected, the next polling
frequency begins at 5 seconds again. If no event is detected from a poll, the
polling interval is doubled, until the upper limit is reached. After the
upper limit is reached, the polling frequency remains at that interval until
a new event is detected; then, it is reset to 5 seconds.
Note: If there are buffered events, but no incoming events, the time still
doubles until the set PollingInterval time. To avoid this, set
PollingInterval to a lower number. The PollingInterval setting is in
CurrentControlSet\Services\ TECWinAdapter\. This is not set by
default and must be added to the registry to alter the default value
of 120 seconds.
Contains the highest event number in the Windows Security Log that the
adapter has processed. The adapter uses this variable to keep track of how
many events it has read and sent to the event server so that the adapter
can start at the next event the next time it polls the log. You can lower the
SecurityEventsProcessed variable if you want an event to be read and
processed again. To process all messages in the Security Log, set the
SecurityEventsProcessed variable to 1.
118 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide