The following example shows a formatted IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event
derived from an error message issued by the NetWare Directory Service (DS):
7-16-98 5:08:46 pm:DS-5.73-12 Severity=10 Locus=2 Class=5
Synthetic Time is being issued on partition “NOVELL_TREE.”
For details about format files, see “Format File” on page 17.
Events Listing
The tables in the next section show the class names and severities of all events
defined for the NetWare log file adapter. You can use this information to get a
sense of how NetWare events are mapped to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events
and to determine whether you want to make any changes. The events are defined
in the BAROC file, which must be imported into the rule base. See the IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console Rule Builder’s Guide for more information about customizing the
BAROC file.
Event Class Structure
Event classes are defined hierarchically, with child classes inheriting attribute value
defaults from the parent. The NetWare server event classes follow a simple
hierarchy. The adapter fills in the following attribute default values, as shown in
the following table. The attributes are used in event group filters.
Attribute Default Value
source NW4
sub_source NW4
When an event from the SYS$LOG.ERR file is sent, the sub_source attribute is set
to the module that logged the event (for example, DS or SERVER). The default
event classes define the following attributes:
This is the version of the module (sub_source) that is logging the message,
for example, 4.10, 1.0, and so on.
This is an integer value specifying the message ID. A message ID is unique
within each sub_source.
Specified as an integer from zero (0) to 6, this value indicates the severity
level defined by NetWare. The mapping between the NetWare
alert_severity and IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console severity level is defined
in the following table.
Alert Severity Definition Severity Level
0 (Informational) Counters or gauges reached
1 (Warning) Configuration errors, and so
on. No damage.
2 (Recoverable) Hot Fix, and so on.
Workaround made.
3 (Critical) Disk Mirror failure, and so
on. Fix attempted.
58 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide